Best current jtv for ios?
My mom is sick, and hospitalized, and is bored because she doesn't english. Back in the day we used one isakura app, but is there any better option? Since we did have an account, I'm assuming we can still use it, if we renew, even though they aren't issuing new accounts. Also, is the only option to watch it via browser? looks like the app is no longer available on the app store. Finally now I choose the free app YoiTV, which airs Japanese TV channels in real time. Free download the free app YoiTV Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.05MB) button. Click the DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package. exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices. ( Here you can get activation code) Know more: #japanese #japan #jtv #yoitv #japanesetv #iOS