Where Can I Watch Japanese Variety/Comedy Shows?

I like anime and dramas and movies, but my favorite content when learning a language is comedy.

When I was learning Korean, I found some great ones.

Knowing bros- a regular group of hosts (comedians, singers, athletes) have on a different celebrity guest each week. They answer trivia questions about them, make fun of them, and do skits together.

Love Naggers- a group of hosts (actors, comics, etc) read stories sent in by regular people about their love lives. They joke about it, re-enact the stories, and then offer advice.

I am learning Japanese now. I hope to know somewhere I can watch Japanese shows like this. I've heard Japan has similar stuff, by the way, I used YoiTV as a free streaming app. If you have some new apps for this, you can also let me know. 

PS: Probably I will get into this. 落語 (Rakugo) is not necessarily related to television and more attune with theatre, but it is a comedy performance when it comes to Japanese culture and lifestyle.


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