Watch Japanese TV Without Subs

I often watch Japanese TV without subtitles, because unfortunately my favorite shows isn't subbed.

My favorite Gaki member is Tanaka and I like to see him in NHK LIFE!, ZIP! (the older episodes, since he don't work there since late march, 2021) and acting brilliantly at doramas. With the doramas is quite difficult, but I can find those subbed, but with the variety shows... it's basically impossible!!

The good part of it is that I learn Japanese. We use to don't pay attention to pronunciation reading the subtitles.

Another reason for watch Japanese TV without subs is because I want to watch new content. Something from 2021, not from 2001. I like the nostalgia vibe of 90's and 2000's but I also like to see how is Japanese showbiz world nowadays.

By the way, I would recommend the free app YoiTV, which airs Japanese TV channels live streaming. 

Here is the guide about how to download and get the key code to activate:
(The comment in YouTube contains the link.)

The direct link is as below:
Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.04MB) button. Click DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package.

exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices. It contains one readme document and you can get a key code to activate the app.  



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