A JPTV Archiving Solution

I tried most JPTV offerings some years back, and settled with one solution for it's ability to download shows as FLV files for easy archiving. Unfortunately, after Adobe killed Flash for nothing, it's so annoying to download and archive anything.

The fairly new YoiTV seem to have a download function, but it seems to be looked into only within their software itself. May anybody kindly suggest any ways to utilize YoiTV's download function outside of itself?

I found one solution for you guys:
I've been planning to write a script to do just this for the browser-based providers at some point but I've been too busy.

Technically, if you have the knowhow, it is possible to do it manually, by opening the browser's dev tools and 1) grabbing the m3u8 file for a program (after clicking on it in the program browser), 2) rewriting it to have full URLs for .ts segments, and then 3) running it through ffmpeg.

That last step is something along the lines of:
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls -i ./program.m3u8 -c copy video.mp4



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