Anime Which Makes Me Feel Good

Anime just make me feel good no matter if it's action, comedy, romance, slice of life, ect. Just something that makes me feel happy. Nichijou, miss Kobayashi's dragon maid, one punch man, and even cowboy bebop has this effect on me for reference.

I'm really looking for something that I can watch after a long day to put a smile on my face before. Now I got one useful app called YoiTV, which offers so much anime to watch on the channel AT-X (Channel number 81)

Free download the free app YoiTV
Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.04MB) button. Click DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package.

exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices.

Here is the guide about how to download and get the key code to activate:
(The comment in YouTube contains the download link.)

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