I use YoiTV to watch Japanese television outside Japan

My mother emailed to renew her free trial, and it looks like the paid membership has now opened up. It’s 79.9 for 3 months, and 219.9 for a year. What do you guys think about these prices? I haven’t used other sites (isakura?) before.

Also thought about how long you guys think this service will be around for, if we were to get the yearly subscription, I wouldn’t want it to disappear.

Free download the free app YoiTV https://www.mediafire.com/file/vyb90e8x3d0wia1/yoitv.zip/file
Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.05MB) button. Click the DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package.

exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices.

https://livejapanesetv.wordpress.com/ ( Here you can get activation code)
Know more: https://jtvfan.blogspot.com



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