I have been using YoiTV at least 1 year to watch Japanese live streaming shows

I've been using YoiTV for at least 1 years since when it was still free. So far I have a good experience with the service, there's a few little problems & hiccups but nothing critical for me. That's why I have no problem when they started charging money.

Now recommend this YoiTV app to all you guys who have the need for watching Japanese televisions in real time outside of Japan.

Free download the free app YoiTV https://www.mediafire.com/file/vyb90e8x3d0wia1/yoitv.zip/file
Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.05MB) button. Click the DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package.

exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices.

They offer a one-day trial for now.

1. Use the activation code like 783031682 to register. Then set one password.
2. The program will show an ID automatically in the LOGIN option. Use the password you set to login.

https://livejapanesetv.wordpress.com/ ( Here you can get activation code)
Know more: https://jtvfan.blogspot.com


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