Where To Watch Japanese Television With Japanese Subtitle To Learn Japanese Language In USA
I usually listen to a lot of music, so if there's a song I really like, I'll listen to it 3 times if I have kanji, romaji, and English translations. Besides listening to Jmusic, I start to watch Japanese anime with Japanese raw subtitle, thus I can enlarge my vocabulary. YoiTV is really a good free app to help me with this. I can not leave it now!! Perhaps when the covid-19 danger is over, I will go to Japan for a vacation. Here is the guide about how to download and get the key code to activate: https://youtu.be/neWJP2ysw8E (The comment in YouTube contains the link.) The direct link is as below: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vyb90e8x3d0wia1/yoitv.zip/file Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.04MB) button. Click DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package. exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices. It contains one readme document and you can get a key code to activate the app.