The Chillest Way To Study Japanese

I came to a slump in studying and was moping about how easy it is for people who grew up natively speaking multiple languages, but thinking back to why that is started to change my idea of learning.

I decided for the next week I’m going to attempt full language immersion like a baby would. Being constantly surrounded by the language of the country they were born into. For me this will Be strictly consuming Japanese media maily by watching Japanese TV via the free streaming app YoiTV. Of course my normal side study. It is going to be a big challenge. But I will keep it up.

Share this free app for all of you ugys:

Free download the free app YoiTV
Click the link above and it will turn to a page with DOWNLOAD (37.04MB) button. Click DOWNLOAD button to get the installation package.

exe is for windows pc, dmg is for MacOS computer and apk is for android devices.

Here is the guide about how to download and get the key code to activate:
(The comment in YouTube contains the download link.)

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